Focus on the Foundations

Welcome to your home for Focus on the Foundations. This is your space to encourage your friends and to ask questions.


About Moving

At Moving Mountains we have fitness programs for all levels of mountain adventurers. Our coaches bring a science-based approach to group fitness through two seasonal training blocks. In the spring and summer months we focus on building your body for activities like; hiking, biking, and running. In the fall and winter we shift to snowsports like; downhill skiing, Nordic skiing, and snowboarding. Regardless of your recreation preference we have strength, agility, conditioning, and endurance programs for you. ​ We love science! Our training blocks are paced around season peaks. This means that if you make Moving Mountains a part of your routine your body will be at it’s strongest and most confident when you need to be.

Why Join

Invest In Yourself: Simplify Health and Stay on Track

A collaborative seminar series and habit building accountability group brought to you by Moving Mountains and Big Sky Natural Health.

A first of its kind, seminar series and accountability group with a twist.
The focus is on building simple healthy habits around the 6 foundations of health.

πŸ€” Thoughts
🌬️ Breath
🚰 Hydration
πŸ₯— Nutrition
πŸƒ Movement
πŸ›Œ Recovery (sleep+stress).

The twist… On day 1 you invest $150. A $50 registration fee + $100 investment in YOU! The $100 investment is 100% refundable. All you have to do to earn that $100 (and potentially more) back, is complete and track your simple daily habits, with at least 80% compliance, and attend all three Foundations Seminars.

Focus on the Foundations is 3 months of healthy habit building. Each week you will get a new super simple healthy habit. You will track this habit daily. Each weekly habit builds on the last. Our monthly seminars will give us the opportunity to dive deep into these habits and create an amazing healthy community. This series is open to anyone!

Seminar Dates:
March 1st- Kick Off Party!
Why, Water, and What you Eat
April 5th
May 31st


About Moving

At Moving Mountains we have fitness programs for all levels of mountain adventurers. Our coaches bring a science-based approach to group fitness through two seasonal training blocks. In the spring and summer months we focus on building your body for activities like; hiking, biking, and running. In the fall and winter we shift to snowsports like; downhill skiing, Nordic skiing, and snowboarding. Regardless of your recreation preference we have strength, agility, conditioning, and endurance programs for you. ​ We love science! Our training blocks are paced around season peaks. This means that if you make Moving Mountains a part of your routine your body will be at it’s strongest and most confident when you need to be.